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Chris Pfaff – OHMS Founder

    The original idea for what is now One Heart Missions Services came to Chris Pfaff while he was recovering from his own two liver transplants.

    Yes, two liver transplants.  (The first one didn’t work right.)  And it took five major surgeries in all to save his life.  The Summer of 1998 was quite an adventure! 

Christian Ministry

        In 1993, Chris and his young family visited a Biblical Christian Missionary Agency’s home base in Missouri.  Chris was so impressed with the tender, Godly love for lost souls, and the zeal for Jesus Christ found in the Missionary Families who also stayed at that Agency’s facility, that Chris wanted to provide a similar place for the deepest love of God to abound to others.  This seed, planted over twenty years earlier, is and will be the intentional guiding love in the heart of OHMS.

        As first conceived, then, One Heart Missions Services envisioned itself as a similar logistics support ministry for Biblical Christian Missions Agencies and their Missionaries.

        As such, a major goal of OHMS is to provide Christian Missionaries with Housing, a Mailing Address, Secure Storage
for their Stuff, regional Transportation as feasible, Income Tax Preparation, and other helpful services during these Missionaries’ time on their “home” (U.S.) assignments, or while awaiting departure to their foreign fields of Missionary service.

        But our desire to meet needs has come to find its focus
in the Transportation aspect of our Service of services.  What we have come to find most prominent is our transportation of medical patients, transplant organs, and the family members of patients who need their family near.

        While OHMS’s services to Christians and Missionaries are theologically limited to Biblically saved souls, OHMS’s medical transport services are aimed at helping anyone in urgent or fiscal need of medical transportation.

Bible College, Etc.

        In 1980, Chris earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Bible‑Theology (with Pastoral Ministries, Greek, & French as minors) from Toccoa Falls College in Georgia, a Christian & Missionary Alliance school.  In 1987, he added a Master of Science in Instructional Technologies from Bloomsburg University of PA. 

        Chris is a professional trainer, and his wife Barbara (who together are just about to celebrate their 40th Anniversary!) home­schooled* their four children all the way through high school.  (Yes, the home­schooling* credit goes to Barbara!)

Professional Pilot

        After his liver transplants, Chris earned his Private Pilot license.  Other Pilot Ratings and Certifications soon followed.  Chris is now a Single- and Multi-Engine Airplane Instructor, and, with over 3400 hours logged, he holds the highest Pilot certification, the “ATP” (Air Transport Pilot).

        So if you need an emergency medical flight or a flight for medical or charitable reasons that is planned, as your Pilot, Chris will ensure the safety and comfort of your family.  That is exactly what OHMS has become best known for: meeting your needs and helping you through your concerns.


        Chris is proprietor of Central Pennsylvania Computer Consulting, and President and Chief Pilot of AIRCAP Flight Services, Inc.  Through these professional service businesses, Chris has provided thirty years worth of personal income tax preparation and various computer services, as well as profes­sional contract pilot and flight instruction services.

        Since 1990, Chris has professionally provided Baseball Umpire services to regional high schools, colleges, men’s leagues, and other levels of the wonderful sport of Baseball. 

        Being service-minded, Chris has run for political office, not yet having won, but inspiring citizens that their voices can be heard, and that they can make a difference.

        Chris is available for public speaking on a wide range of topics, from Bible and Theology to public Policy & Action, and of course there are many stories of past patient flights. (If you or your church or organization would like Chris to share with you and your friends, please see our Contact page.)

What Makes Him Tick

        Chris Pfaff loves people, especially kids.  The ministries of One Heart Missions Services show this love, once again, especially for kids.

        So when One Heart is called to do an emergency medical flight for a child, OHMS will go out of its way to meet the family’s need.