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“As we have therefore opportunity,
 let us do good unto all people,
 especially unto them who are of the
 household of faith.” – Galatians 6:10


One Heart’s Founder

Ministries Director

Chris Pfaff



Let’s start by re-defining the word “history”.

    All human history indeed isHis story”, the story of the One who created and sustains us.  This One is Jesus, who alone is the Lord God and our Christ.  [Bible Doctrines]

    Just as our Lord Jesus, the Christ, created the world and us, He also created One Heart Missions Services. 

    The circumstances surrounding our corporate creation are truly unique, and we hope you will find His story about OHMS as fascinating and as humbling as we do.

So, just what is OHMS, and what do we do?

    Above all, OHMS is a Biblical Christian ministry.  We are a “faith-based” service of services to people in need.

    One Heart has become best known for our desire to help medically and financially needy patients, particularly those needing organ transplant and children in medical need.

    As first conceived, OHMS intended to be a logistics support agency for Biblical Christian Missionaries,
to provide to them housing, transportation, and other logistical services while here in the U.S.A.

    As a Biblical Christian ministry, and in fulfillment of Galatians 6:10, OHMS has a deep commitment to those whose souls have truly been saved by the substitutionary death and resurrection of Jesus, the Christ, our Lord. 
We offer preaching, evangelism training, and crusade and missions planning services.

Started because of a special blessing by God! 

    Click Here to view our PDF document on the how and the why One Heart Missions Services was started and to better understand the urgent needs we hope to meet.

    As has been the case with many worthy charities, one man who was himself specifically blessed by God envisioned what OHMS has and will become.

    Founder and Ministries Director, Chris Pfaff, received the life-saving blessing of liver transplant.  As chief pilot of One Heart’s patient transport service, Chris has flown an average of one patient medical flight per month since 2002, often at personal financial sacrifice rather than to deny a needy transplant patient their second chance at life.  Read more on the beginnings of OHMS on Chris’s “Bio” page.

Focus is on clearly identified Needs.

    The unfulfilled need of patients and their families has become very clear.  OHMS must focus on the specific niche of flying stretcher-needy patients, their family members, and longer-distance patient and charitable flights.

    To our knowledge, no one else is doing this.  Since we have a pilot with the skill and insurability, all we now need is the suitable airplane to accomplish these missions.

    Click Here to view our airplane acquisition brochure.  (This PDF looks best if printed front-to-back.)  Click Here to help us say “Yes” when patients call us for help.




Please note:  OUR organization, “One Heart Missions Services”,
is NOT related in any way to the Mormon “One Heart Foundation”.  Nor are we related to “OHMS.com”.