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The First of an Annual BICYCLE RIDE Fundraiser for those whom OHMS serves.





Why does OHMS call this “The EXtra Mile’ Bicycle Ride”?  

If a soldier forces you to go with him one mile, then go with him two miles.
Jesus, in Matthew 5:41 (in the Holy Bible, International Children’s Bible).

In the days when Jesus Christ was on earth in person and spoke these words, Roman soldiers were legally allowed to force people to carry their military equipment.  Roman law limited this forced labor to only one mile.  Jesus, however, told His followers to “go the extra mile”, both to teach His followers that they should do more than what was minimally expected and because He knew that going the extra mile would make the soldier a friend.  Cool, eh! 




Goals / Why?

Purpose of the XM Ride (PDF)  


Why is OHMS doing this XM Ride? 

“The ‘EXTRA MILEBike Ride”, “XM”, is our major fundraising event.  Although many charities use events, such as bicycle rides, to raise fund­s, OHMS is putting a new ‘spin’ on our Ride! 

OHMS has become well known for giving medical patients charitable transportation to and from home and hospital, quite often by flying patients, their families, and organs for transplant.

The goal of our XM Ride is to raise enough funds so we can finally acquire our own aircraft (and not have to rent, or borrow, or say ‘No’ any more), thus being ready, at any time, to serve patients and families needing time-sensitive care.


What is the Budget for this XM Ride? 
      and…     How will the money raised be spent?

This first of what we hope will become an annual Bike Ride expects to raise at least Three Million Dollars which will go directly to our initial aircraft purchase and fuel and the operational costs of aircraft ownership.  Here is our approximate* Budget:

$2,000,000 will be available for Aircraft Purchase. 
     200,000 will be reserved for upgrades, inspections, maintenance.
     100,000 will be reserved for insurances and hangar/airport fees.
     100,000 will be for initial training of the Pilots & Ground Team.
     600,000 will be reserved for first year’s Fuel costs.
$3,000,000 = OHMS’s Total Goal for this First Annual XM Ride.

*We call this budget “approximate” because aircraft vary so much in price.
  It is not yet possible to nail down exact costs, but we will post updates.

Any funds raised above this XM Goal will supply the general operating expenses and/or other projects of One Heart Missions Services.